

The deep work strategy

The Deep Work Strategy

Conquering the "I'll Do This Later" With  The Deep Work Strategy  Ah, the siren song of procrastination. We've all heard it, that tempting whisper of "later" that lulls us away from important tasks. But what if I told...

When Procrastination Becomes A Problem

When Procrastination Becomes A Problem

When Procrastination Becomes A Problem Procrastination's Grip: Recognizing the Triggers and Embracing Sustainable Change Hey Chicas! Procrastination. It's more than just missed deadlines and late-night cramming. It's a persistent struggle that can silently erode our well-being, impacting various...

Somatic Therapy Procrastination

Somatic Therapy: The Secret Procrastination Weapon

Somatic Therapy: The Secret Weapon Against Procrastination You Never Knew You Had Stop the Procrastination Spiral by Listening to Your Body's Inner Voice Hey Chicas! We've all been there: staring down a to-do list that feels like a...

Shit Life Syndrome

Shit Life Syndrome

Stuck in the Muck: Navigating the Real Impact of "Shit Life Syndrome"   While not an official clinical diagnosis, "Shit Life Syndrome" (SLS) has become a relatable term capturing the feeling of being bogged down by life's difficulties....

Protecting Your Assets Before Moving In Together

Protecting Your Assets Before Moving In Together

Love & Legality: Protecting Your Assets Before Moving In Together   Protecting Your Assets Before Moving In Together.  So, you've found your special someone, and love is blossoming! Sharing a space feels like the natural next step. But...

Financial Abuse

Financial Abuse. Recognizing and Breaking Free

Trapped by Love and Debt: Recognizing and Breaking Free from Financial Abuse in Romantic Relationships   Love shouldn't involve a price tag. Yet, countless women find themselves entangled in the insidious web of financial abuse within their romantic...

How To Turn Those Gift Cards Into Cash

How To Turn Those Gift Cards Into Cash

How To Turn Those Gift Cards Into Cash   Ready to turn those gift cards into sweet sweet PayPal money? Let's dive in! Before you start: Make sure your gift card is a VISA, Mastercard, Discover, or American...

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About Me

Annie Levine


Hi there! My name is Annie. I am using my middle name to protect the privacy of my family and friends that I sometimes mention as part of the framework and context I use to write in. I am thrilled to welcome you to my blog.

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